
Terug naar Mediawiki


Tijdens het aanpassen van de pagina worden de aanwezig categorieen getoond


Wijzig NS_TEMPLATE => false in true. Hierdoor wordt ook bij sjablonen de categories getoond. <syntaxhighlight lang="php" highlight="15">

    1. Options
  1. $wgSelectCategoryNamespaces - list of namespaces in which this extension should be active

if( !isset( $wgSelectCategoryNamespaces ) ) $wgSelectCategoryNamespaces = array( NS_MEDIA => true, NS_MAIN => true, NS_TALK => false, NS_USER => false, NS_USER_TALK => false, NS_PROJECT => true, NS_PROJECT_TALK => false, NS_IMAGE => true, NS_IMAGE_TALK => false, NS_MEDIAWIKI => false, NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => false, NS_TEMPLATE => false, NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => false, NS_HELP => true, NS_HELP_TALK => false, NS_CATEGORY => true, NS_CATEGORY_TALK => false, ); </syntaxhighlight>


  1. Download Extension:SelectCategory
  2. Neem in LocalSettings.php de volgende regel op:

<syntaxhighlight lang="php">

  1. Wiki SelectCategory

require_once( 'extensions/SelectCategory/SelectCategory.php' ); </syntaxhighlight>

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