Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)

Jacques Derrida
Afbeelding afkomstig van Department of Religious Studies
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Filosoof Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)
Naam Derrida, Jacques (1930-2004)
Achternaam Derrida
Letter D
Geboortedatum 15-07-1930
Overlijdensdatum 08-10-2004
Filosofie cursus Eigentijdse filosofie

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Friedrich Nietzsche is zijn grootte voorbeeld.

Iterabiliteit verandering door herhaling.[1]
Disseminatie Alle tekens verwijzen dus naar elkaar. Ieder teken verspreidt zich als het ware, het is alsof het verstrooid ligt over een oneindigheid van betekenissamenhangen[2]
Woordenboek: Uitbreiding[3]
Phonocentrisme is a concept that sounds and speech are inherently superior to (or "more natural" than) written language, or are regarded as such. To adherents of this philosophy, spoken language is inherently richer and more intuitive than written language. Phonocentrism holds that spoken language is the primary, fundamental way of communicating, and writing is merely a "second-rate" attempt to capture speech.[4]
Logocentrisme is a term coined by German philosopher Ludwig Klages in the 1920s. It refers to the tradition of Western science and philosophy that situates the logos, ‘the word’ or the ‘act of speech’, as epistemologically superior in a system, or structure, in which we may only know, or be present in, the world by way of a logocentric metaphysics. For this structure to hold true it must be assumed that there is an original, irreducible object to which the logos is representative, and therefore, that our presence in the world is necessarily mediated. If there is a Platonic Ideal Form then there must be an ideal representation of such a form. This ideal representation is according to logocentrist thought, the logos.[5]
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties:
  1. Informatie afkomstig van Pascal Digital
  2. Informatie afkomstig van ~jan
  3. Informatie afkomstig van Woordenboek Nederlandse taal
  4. Informatie afkomstig van Wikipedia (English)
  5. Informatie afkomstig van Wikipedia (English)